Monday, October 20, 2008

My So Called Life

So I am online tonight after E leaves looking mindlessly at gossip pages and random videos on youtube since for some reason I have overlooked the fact that I am done with my last book and have nothing to read that is more intellectual than People and I come across and I see on there that you can watch full episodes of some of their most popular shows. Cool right? So if I happen to miss DVRing an episode of Grey's Anatomy I can watch it the next week online. Which makes me wonder why I am spending $70 a month on cable but that's besides the point. So I am scrolling through the episodes and they have that old show My So Called Life on there so I click it and start to watch some of the episodes. I loved that show when it was on back in the day, and surprised me at how relevant it all is 14 years after the fact. That show was really awesome and its a shame that it only lasted one season. And even though I kind of secretly hate Clair Danes for stealing that Billy Crudup guy from his pregnant girlfriend she rocks in this show, and all the quirky characters just trying to make it one day at a time through that excruciating time called high school. Ick the only reason I am glad I am old now is that I will never have to experience high school again. : ) Good show and apparently the whole season is now on DVD, which again why would I spend the money if I can watch it online?? So now I know what I will be doing till I find another good book to read...


Lola Takes Pictures said...

I LOVED that show! I didn't realize it lasted just one season though. Guess I only caught a few episodes even though I really liked it.

Currently, I am reliving high school through my job. I laugh now though at how seriously I took it back then and want so badly to tell the kids today to relax. High school is such a small part of our lives in the grand scheme of things. Nothing should ever be taken that seriously.

Anonymous said...

I know I totally agree! But I think you never really fully understand how small a chunk of your life high school was until your a good 10 years